Biblical Intersections
Doctrinally sound. Culturally relevant. Personally helpful.
Life is confusing. Culture is shifting. Mass media continues to shape our world. In the midst of this dynamic change, does this ancient Greek and Hebrew book referred to as “The Bible” still hold relevance and guidance for our lives? In this blog space, we dare to discover the wonderful and uncomfortable intersections where the Bible’s timeless message comes to us in the midst of cultural change and our own personal dilemmas.
The Political Pimping of Jesus Christ
What happens when politicians hijack the message of Jesus for their own end? What happens when pastoral leaders serve a political party over the risen Lord? The cause of Christ isn’t served, rather, it is pimped.
Irrational Fears of “The Other” Contradict Biblical Values
Loving others begins with trust. When we don’t love, we don’t trust, and we fear those we don’t trust. Fear, once agitated, can encourage negative feelings, beliefs, and treatment of people that we consider “outsiders”. This is not the way of Christ. This article contains 6 problems that are caused by our fear of outsiders and the biblical response.
5 Ways our Digital Tech Habits Kill our Prayer Lives
Tech has undoubtedly brought good changes to our society. But what effect does this unmitigated access have on our prayer lives? I propose five ways that we have been affected.
Spiritual Disciplines in a Busy World
Computer technology has changed how we do life, including our experience of God. We are in desperate need to return to those practices that will grow us into godly people in the midst of our fast-paced and ever-changing world.