At a young age, a teacher presented Robert Wilson with a fiction book as a gracious gift. Unbeknownst to her, this would open his eyes to the magical world of reading. When he wasn’t gallivanting about the streets in intense games of hide-n-seek, he spent his childhood reading and growing in his love for stories in various forms. He particularly loves those that feature superpowered humans, morally gray characters, and modern worlds with elements that defy reality.
His approach to writing combines his experience in police work, as a Soldier, and a Bible student in such a way that allows him to interweave the dark, gritty, and imperfect aspects of the human experience into his stories—without crossing his line of course.
The Wayman’s Code series began as a passion project that marinated in his mind for many years before ink hit the paper. In writing a series that highlights an angel/demon motif, he seeks to break the fourth wall on an invisible realm with spirits at war, while crafting characters that cause us to think, bring us to grief, and inspire us to choose the hard right over the easy wrong.